DOpus Double Click V1.0 ----------------------- © 1997 Robert Wilson Disclaimer ---------- I don't claim to be a master AmigaDOS or ARexx programmer. I originally wrote this for my own use, but thought that others may find it useful. Don't blame me if when using this your hard drive gets zapped or your monitor blows up. I take no responsibility. Introduction ------------ One of the many wonderful things about Directory Opus is the ability to Double Click on any file and it will be opened or viewed with the best application for the job. There were many times when I wanted to do this from the shell, so maybe I could use multiview...? Okay if I just want to view a picture, read a bit of text or play a sound, but beyond that it's pretty useless. This is when Dopus Double Click was born allowing easy opening of any file from the shell. Requirements ------------ Amiga (of course...!) Directory Opus (tested with 5.5, but should work with 5.11) rexxtricks.library by Jürgen Kohrmeyer (excellent... available from Aminet) Installation ------------ 1) copy 'DDC' to your S: assignment, ensuring that the 's' protection flag is set. 2) copy 'DoubleClick.dopus' to DOpus5:ARexx/ Usage ----- From the shell you can now type 'DDC ' and DOpus will perform on that file just as if you had double clicked on it in a lister. Alternative usage would be maybe from YAM. In Configuration/Read set the default MIME viewer to 'S:DDC %s'. VERY IMPORTANT... Your filetype recognition cannot be reliant on name extensions (eg *.LZX), it should configured to look at the file itself. For example the first 3 bytes of a LZX file is 'LZX', therefore 'Match LZX'. Future ------ I've got loads of other ARexx scripts for DOpus and Photogenics2 which anybody is more that welcome to a copy of. Examples include the following... DOpus Opening a new shell window at the current lister path Copy the file name to the clipboard (idea borrowed from Win95 Power Toy) Photogenics Revert to last saved Send to ADPro Send to ImageFX Load with ImageFX (useful for PICT) Send to PaintShopPro (need Siamese System for this one) This is just the tip of the iceburg. Some of them just need a little tidying up some docs written for them. Maybe if I get some good response then I'll sort them out and release a full package of scripts on the Aminet. The future is in your hands, in the mean while if there's anything in particular you want then I'd be more than happy to send it to you. About 6 months ago I did begin to write a package which would integrate the power of DOpus into Photogenics, allowing better file type recognition and automatic manipulation. For example loading a 32Bit (24+8) Targa image the paint layer would automatically me moved to the alpha channel and on saving the alpha channel would automatically be moved to the piant layer. All of this (and much more) combined with automatic previews etc I think would make a wicked package. 75% of the work is done - I just need a push from YOU. Contacting the Author --------------------- For more information, scripts, bug reports and anything Amiga...